When I say multimedia, I can’t forget about what can be considered the original medium – print. Though I’ve gone on to work more heavily in video and interactive design, my experience as a creative professional actually started in marketing design, primarily for print, while I was still a student at UCLA. In my tenure at ASUCLA Marketing and Sales Promotion, I was able to work on designs for a wide range of advertisements, promotions, and signage for stores and departments across the UCLA campus, for the school paper, The Daily Bruin, and for the UCLA Spirit Store at Universal Citywalk. Part of my job was also heading up a range of production tasks, including printing, mounting, and cropping of large posters and banners. I got to be pretty handy with an X-Acto knife, as I cropped and die-cut tons of foamcore and gatorboard. I was able to dig up some samples of projects I led, including a holiday sale campaign and some branded work I did for Focal Press product, shown above, and below, a sample of promotions for a book signing by the now deceased legendary UCLA basketball coach, John Wooden (taken from a old cutout of the Daily Bruin):

My work with ASUCLA’s Marketing and Sales Promotion department not only helped give me a better understanding design for marketing, and what goes into building promotional campaigns, but gave me an introduction of design for physical spaces. I built upon this with another job on campus, serving as Assistant Curatorial Designer in the UCLA Athletics Hall of Fame at The J.D. Morgan Center. I took on many of the same design and production duties, but I was also more involved in the arrangement of displays, and the creation of physical spaces and visitor experiences. Here are some snapshots of arrangements I helped design and lay out back in the summer of 2005, as an Assistant Designer:

Print Design & Production and Display Design
Company – UCLA. ASUCLA Marketing and Sales Promotion and Athletics Hall of Fame